Category Archives: personal work

Three twins | Wellington portrait photographer

When I put a call out on Facebook for gorgeous blonde 8-10 year old girls to model for some concept shoots for the upcoming Iris Awards, I had no idea how many beautiful applicants I would receive.

see ya see ya later | personal work

You know what I love to photograph most? PRIDE. LOVE. TRUTH. Maybe I watched Moulin Rouge one too many times, maybe I’ve read one too many articles about buzzwords. Or maybe, just maybe, I finally

The Crump Twins | Wellington Family Portraits

Imagine you’re the mother of a two year old boy. They’re not known for their quiet natures, those two year olds. Ok, now double him, and add another rowdy 5 year old boy. For fun. Feeling tired? How

Hollie and Sophie | twin portraits

Imagine the prettiest little girl you can think of. Now double her.

Something Darker | Wellington Professional Photographer

Winter is crap. Thankfully we’re nearing the end of this dark and deary season. I find myself completely bored and uninspired when the weather is cold. All I want to do is curl up in bed and sleep

Miriam & Brigid | Twin portraits

I’ve been thinking about starting a personal project for a few months now. Whenever the weather turns grey I can’t seem to bring myself to shoot everyday, just for fun. So to get myself shooting I

mum’s Graduation | Wellington Photographer

I remember back when I was at school, I was ‘first in class’ in science or something. After prizegiving Mum told me about how her “heart was bursting with pride”. We got to repay the feeling

fetch | wellington photographer

This short set of four moments are stolen from our weekend at the beach. Our favourite place. Bonnie, especially is a fan. I love the colours and the light at dusk.

Mothers day | wellington photographer

That my Mum and my Nana. Pretty much the two best birds I know. Mum’s busy talking as usual, and wearing the brooch I bought her. I didn’t realise how similar they look. I’ve got into a bad habit