Baby’s First Year


Capture the most beautiful collection of portraits from your baby’s first year with our incredible Ultimate First Year VIP Collection.

Start your set with a gorgeous family portrait session with your newborn baby, up to 8 weeks old, and capture stunning portraits of your baby alone and your family in all combinations, including any elder children (max 3). Or add a maternity session in your 3rd trimester for just +$100.


When come back to see us every 3 months for a gorgeous milestone shoot for your baby alone, Mum or Dad can jump in for a few shots sometimes if you want to too. If you have twins or elder children that you would also like photographed during the 3 monthly milestone sessions, additional fees apply. Milestone minis take typically less than 20 minutes and focus on gorgeous simple portraits of your baby. Shoots are at 3 months, 6 months, 9 months and 12 months.

At 9 months you can opt to add a messy spaghetti highchair shoot to the end of your milestone mini to capture the ‘I can feed myself’ milestone.

At 12 months bring along a cake for your baby to smash and make use of the studio decoration collection for celebratory images of your big one year old!


This package also includes monthly Pop-ins for a full set of gorgeous ‘chair’ photos from your baby’s first year. The months when you don’t already have a milestone mini you will be booked in to our public Pop-in events at a location near you.


All shoots take place at our Little White Studio in Karori, and other terms do apply.


All of your best digital images from every shoot are included, loaded to your personal account on our system for you to download and print or share til your hearts content.

The best bit is you can pay for the package across the year in installments that suit you, making the Ultimate First Year collection affordable for everyone!

To find out more book your First Year package, please email